What do teachers know about dyslexia? It’s complicated!
The purpose of this study was to examine the concepts of dyslexia teachers know accurately as scientific conceptions, hold as misconceptions, or are uncertain. Implications for teacher training in dyslexia are discussed.
By: Erin K. Washburn, Benjamin C. Heddy, Emily Binks-Cantrell, Tiffany Peltier
Topics: Equity, Reading & language arts

Achievement and growth for English Learners
This study reports achievement and growth from kindergarten to 4th grade for three groups of English Learners. The findings suggest summer support is required to help ELs maintain and develop academic skills.
By: Angela Johnson
Topics: Equity, English Language Learners, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss

Estimating and comparing growth using longitudinal interim achievement data with seasonal trends
This study presents a statistical model motivated by the seasonal character of interim achievement data and analyses aimed at reducing barriers to the generation of empirical benchmarks for repeated measures achievement data.
By: James Soland, Yeow Meng Thum

MAP Growth item parameter drift study
This report documents the results of an item parameter drift study designed to check the parameter stability of MAP Growth items.
By: Wei He
Products: MAP Growth
Topics: Computer adaptive testing

Equitable learning recovery must be grounded in solid research
The COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with political and social unrest, has deeply disrupted the lives and learning experiences of most students. It has created an urgent need to address long-standing opportunity gaps and has highlighted the importance of providing resources that support student achievement, social-emotional learning, and physical and mental well-being. This urgency for action to address the impacts is valid, but it has also created a noisy environment of potential options of what might be best for students. It’s critical, now more than ever, for decisions to be grounded in solid research.
By: Beth Tarasawa
Topics: COVID-19 & schools, Equity

School officials regularly use school-aggregate test scores to monitor school performance and make policy decisions. In this report, RAND researchers investigate one specific issue that may contaminate utilization of COVID-19–era school-aggregate scores and result in faulty comparisons with historical and other proximal aggregate scores: changes in school composition over time. To investigate this issue, they examine data from NWEA’s MAP Growth assessments, interim assessments used by states and districts during the 2020–2021 school year.
By: Jonathan Schweig, Megan Kuhfeld, Andrew McEachin, Melissa Diliberti, Louis Mariano
Topics: Measurement & scaling, COVID-19 & schools

Supporting students with disabilities throughout the year
Students with disabilities lose even more ground than peers during summer and other interruptions in their learning—but they don’t need to. Data point to a need for services that extend beyond the school year.
By: Elizabeth Barker, Angela Johnson