The instructional legacy of COVID-19: Teacher adaptation in response to the pandemic
This study investigated teacher adaptation to the changes in teaching conditions caused by the transition to distance learning in the COVID-19 pandemic.
By: Helena Connolly, Naina Abowd, Catherine C. Chase
Topics: COVID-19 & schools, Empowering educators

This study examines the text quality of math assessment items for students with VI who use screen readers. Using data from about 29.5 million students taking standard versions of the MAP Growth math assessment, and 48,845 students taking accessible versions, we identified high-quality items, those that measured achievement for both students with and without VI equally well, and low-quality items, which showed differences between the two groups of students.
By: Kang Xue, Elizabeth Barker
Topics: Accessibility, Equity, Math & STEM

Looking beyond vision: Supports for students who are blind or visually impaired in mathematics
This review examines research on math achievement in students who are blind or visually impaired, the opportunities that BVIs have to demonstrate their knowledge of mathematics, as well unique challenges they face and ways in which these barriers have (or have not) been addressed.
By: Sonja Steinbach
Topics: Accessibility, Equity, Math & STEM

The forgotten 20 percent: Achievement and growth in rural schools across the nation
New research using data from over 2,300 rural schools across the US provides unique insight into math and reading achievement of students in rural schools so educators and policymakers can better understand and support the potential needs of rural schools.
By: Angela Johnson, Megan Kuhfeld, James Soland

Achievement and growth for English Learners
This study reports achievement and growth from kindergarten to 4th grade for three groups of English Learners. The findings suggest summer support is required to help ELs maintain and develop academic skills.
By: Angela Johnson
Topics: Equity, English Language Learners, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss

The MAP Growth theory of action describes key features of MAP Growth and its position in a comprehensive assessment system.
By: Patrick Meyer, Michael Dahlin
Products: MAP Growth
Topics: Equity, Measurement & scaling, Test design

Bayesian uncertainty estimation for Gaussian graphical models and centrality indices
This study compares estimation of symptom networks with Bayesian GLASSO- and Horseshoe priors to estimation using the frequentist GLASSO using extensive simulations.
By: Joran Jongerling, Sacha Epskamp, Donald Williams
Topics: Measurement & scaling