Design, features, and accommodations can make assessment more accessible to provide a better measure of what students know and can do. Our research explores the intersection of accessibility, technology, and assessment.

This study examines the text quality of math assessment items for students with VI who use screen readers. Using data from about 29.5 million students taking standard versions of the MAP Growth math assessment, and 48,845 students taking accessible versions, we identified high-quality items, those that measured achievement for both students with and without VI equally well, and low-quality items, which showed differences between the two groups of students.
By: Kang Xue, Elizabeth Barker
Topics: Accessibility, Equity, Math & STEM

Looking beyond vision: Supports for students who are blind or visually impaired in mathematics
This review examines research on math achievement in students who are blind or visually impaired, the opportunities that BVIs have to demonstrate their knowledge of mathematics, as well unique challenges they face and ways in which these barriers have (or have not) been addressed.
By: Sonja Steinbach
Topics: Accessibility, Equity, Math & STEM

Growth patterns and distance learning tips for students who are deaf and hard of hearing webinar
In this webinar, learn what new research shows about the academic growth trajectories of students who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH), and tips for supporting students who are DHH in distance learning.
By: Stephanie Cawthon, Elizabeth Barker, Johny Daniel, North Cooc, Jessica Meissner
Topics: Equity, Accessibility, Growth modeling

How can educators effectively engage students with disabilities in distance learning? Elizabeth Barker shares shares four ingredients for effective special education in this piece by The 74’s Beth Hawkins.
The 74.Ā
Mentions: Elizabeth Barker
Topics: Equity, Accessibility, COVID-19 & schools

The 4 ingredients you need for reaching students with disabilities online
The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, formative assessment strategies, student data, and individualized or small-group instruction can help educators provide quality instruction for students with in distance learning.
By: Elizabeth Barker
Topics: Equity, Accessibility, COVID-19 & schools

The pandemic is a crisis for students with special needs
Some students rely on schools for the personal, hands-on attention of specialists. What do they do now?
The AtlanticĀ (2020, April 18)
Mentions: Elizabeth Barker
Topics: Equity, Accessibility, COVID-19 & schools

6 ways to support students with disabilities during COVID-19 school closures
As COVID-19 pushes us toward distance learning, we can make small adjustments to online instruction to better meet the specific learning needs of students with disabilities.
By: Elizabeth Barker
Topics: Equity, Accessibility, COVID-19 & schools