Scott J. Peters, PhD
Director of Research Consulting Partnerships

Scott J. Peters specializes in educational assessment and data use, gifted and talented student identification, equity within advanced educational opportunities, and effectiveness of educational policy. His research focuses on how schools can leverage assessment data for maximum school and student benefit. His ongoing projects relate to balancing cost, sensitivity, and equity in gifted and talented student identification, how to proactively screen students for advanced learning opportunities, examining growth trajectories for advanced learners, and how to ensure all students have access to advanced learning opportunities.
Prior to coming to NWEA, for 13 years, Dr. Peters served as a professor of assessment and research methodology at the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater. His scholarly work has appeared in the Australian Educational Researcher, AERA Open, Teaching for High Potential, the British Journal of Educational Psychology, Exceptional Children, and Gifted Child Quarterly, and many other publications. He received his PhD from Purdue University in educational psychology and applied research methodology.