Growth modeling

Reconciling long-term education policy goals with short-term school accountability models
Schools are increasingly held accountable for their contributions to studentsā academic growth in math and reading. Under The Every Student Succeeds Act, most states are estimating how much schools improve student achievement over time and using those growth metrics to identify the bottom 5% of schools for remediation.
Topics: Measurement & scaling, Growth modeling, Student growth & accountability policies

In this study, we apply the Compound Polynomial or āCPā model in a school evaluation context. The CP model addresses the seasonality of student test scores by simultaneously estimating between- and within-year growth.
Topics: Growth modeling, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss, Student growth & accountability policies

School effectiveness, summer loss and federal accountability
Learn more about the effect of seasonality on estimates of school effectiveness and how ignoring summer loss can impact which schools are identified as low performers.
Topics: Growth modeling, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss, Student growth & accountability policies

Do studentsā social-emotional learning (SEL) skills in middle school predict being off-track to graduate high school?
By: James Soland, Megan Kuhfeld
Topics: Growth modeling, High-growth schools & practices, Social-emotional learning

Validating the SEDA measures of district educational opportunities via a common assessment
SEDA provides a unique measure of educational opportunity across the United States. New research supports SEDA achievement scores, but also reveals some differences in growth estimates.
By: Megan Kuhfeld, Thurston Domina, Paul Hanselman
Topics: Equity, Growth modeling, Measurement & scaling

Reconciling long-term education policy goals with short-term school accountability models
Learn more about the effect of seasonality on estimates of school effectiveness and how ignoring summer loss can impact which schools are identified as low performers.
Topics: Growth modeling, Seasonal learning patterns & summer loss, Student growth & accountability policies

In this study, repeated measures of math achievement and self-efficacy are used to fit a variety of latent curve models that jointly estimate growth in both constructs.
By: James Soland
Topics: Student growth & accountability policies, Growth modeling, Social-emotional learning