Improving alignment on early learning: Bringing district leaders together
Debates about the best way to teach and assess reading are long-standing. In this guide, youāll learn how to bridge that divide and bring everyone together with a clear plan and quality assessment data.
Topics: Leadership
Products: MAP Reading Fluency
Responsive Learning Cycles Professional Learning Overview
Empower students with a healthy, collaborative culture of learning
This suite supports educators to partner with their students throughout the learning journey to develop and sustain practices that propel academic achievement, well-being, and self-efficacy for all.
Topics: Assessment, Instructional strategy & resources, Professional learning
Products: Professional Learning
Today, Jacob is joined by an Alaskan and a Texan: Moon McCarley, Principal at Nondalton School and District Testing Coordinator for The Lake and Peninsula School District, located on the Alaska Peninsula; and Ashley Cruz, State Professional Learning Consultant at NWEA. They discuss how NWEA partners with districts across Alaska to create high-impact professional learning opportunities to expand assessment literacy. Along the way, Moon shares her experience as a Certified Facilitator and talks about how it helped her grow as a leader.
Topics: Equity, Leadership, Professional learning, School improvement
Products: Professional Learning
NWEA research snapshot: Insights on recovery strategies
NWEA researchers explore the challenges and opportunities surrounding academic recovery. Designed for school and system leaders, this session details their latest research insights and explores the effectiveness of strategies like summer intervention programming and high-dose tutoring.
Topics: Education research, Instructional strategy & resources, Leadership
District and School leaders: How to use data to engage teachers in high-growth strategies
Three education leaders from a high growth district share their strategies for encouraging data-driven instruction. They also offer tips for onboarding new teachers, building trust, and encouraging buy-ināthe hallmarks of a strong growth culture.
Topics: Assessment, Instructional strategy & resources, Professional learning
Products: MAP Growth
The Continuing Educator | A more welcoming science classroom, with Megan Kuehl and Kim Baker
Kailey & Jacob are joined by two educators and NWEA content specialists who have thought a lot about how to improves student experiences in science. Kim Baker has been at NWEA for 13 years, and Megan Kuehl has been here for eight. We discuss challenging assumptions about the science classroom and unpack the notion that science is inherently impartial.
Topics: Equity, Instructional strategy & resources, Professional learning, Science, Social emotional learning
Products: Professional Learning
Make empowered, data-informed decisions with MAP Growth instructional connections
NWEA collaborates with more than 30 providers to determine how MAP Growth scores can be used by dozens of instructional and data products to make every classroom a data-informed classroom. Learn more about the Instructional Connections program and explore its unique benefits for administrators, teachers, and coaches.
Topics: Assessment, Insights and reports, Instructional strategy & resources, Literacy, Math
Products: MAP Growth