The Continuing Educator | Entry points for equity, with Fenesha Hubbard and Joyce Smith
Equity is not a buzzword. It’s not a synonym for diversity. So, what is it? Fenesha Hubbard and Joyce Smith of NWEA join the pod to show what schools and classrooms would look like if we truly valued equity in the context of instruction.
Topics: Assessment, Accessibility, Early learning, Equity, Insights and reports, Instructional strategy & resources, Literacy, Social emotional learning

White Paper
Writing for all: NWEA stances on writing
The NWEA stances on writing lay out a clear vision for the future of writing instruction. This paper addresses what writing is, why it’s important and how the organization can better meet the needs of the writers we serve through our products, services, research and advocacy.
Topics: Early learning, Education research, Equity, Instructional strategy & resources, Literacy, Policy & advocacy

Fact Sheet
Creating equitable assessments
At NWEA, we understand that data from the assessments we create plays a critical role in supporting student-centered instruction, and in informing the systems, policies, and investments that support equal opportunity for all students to learn. As we partner with states and the districts to create systems that positively impact all students, we apply an equity lens to test design, content development, and integration of accessibility and accommodations.
Topics: Equity, Policy & advocacy
Products: State Solutions

How to use assessment and grade-level texts to close the opportunity gap
Literacy is a fundamental skill. Without it, a student is much less likely to live up to their potential. Help your teachers understand how best to support their readers.
Topics: Equity
Products: MAP Reading Fluency

The Continuing Educator | The problem with grading behavior, with Matt Townsley and Chris Thoms
Traditional grading practices typically incorporate non-learning measures such as behavior and effort into an average. Yet by mixing achievement and behavior, we miscommunicate on both accounts. Students and parents still need information on both, but the critical step is to separate reporting, and Dr. Matt Townsley and NWEA User Experience Designer Chris Thoms will share with us both why this is crucial for equity, and how teachers can put it into action.
Topics: Equity
Products: Professional Learning

Fluency and equity: Helping all kids access grade-level text
A panel of leading reading instruction experts discuss specific practices and strategies educators can implement to improve oral reading fluency and help all students access grade-level text.
Topics: Equity, Instructional strategy & resources, Literacy
Products: MAP Reading Fluency

Our journey concludes with a look towards the future: an inspiring conversation with a group of youth activists who tell their stories and establish a visionary call to action for education leaders and policymakers across the country.
Topics: Equity