Make empowered, data-informed decisions with MAP Growth instructional connections
NWEA collaborates with more than 30 providers to determine how MAP Growth scores can be used by dozens of instructional and data products to make every classroom a data-informed classroom. Learn more about the Instructional Connections program and explore its unique benefits for administrators, teachers, and coaches.
Topics: Assessment, Insights and reports, Instructional strategy & resources, Literacy, Math
Products: MAP Growth

Fact Sheet
MAP Growth Course Specific Math Assessment Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of the MAP Growth course specific math assessments. Learn what types of tests are available, how the assessment provides answers to important questions about student achievement and growth, how it helps educators make more confident decisions. Ā
Topics: Assessment, Math
Products: MAP Growth

Fact Sheet
2022 norms for MAP Growth course-specific tests in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry
A 4-page document outlining the user norms for MAP Growth tests in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. Includes details on how the user norms were developed, how user norms differ from national representative norms, and what years of data were used to craft them. Detailed charts are included that cover fall to winter, Fall to spring, and winter to spring norms.
Topics: Education research, Insights and reports, Leadership, Math
Products: MAP Growth

MAP Growth Professional Learning Overview
Turn learning evidence into instructional action
Activate MAPĀ® Growthā¢ with professional learning experiences that build basic product-use capacity, hone assessment literacy, improve goal setting and responsive instructional planning, and build deeper data competency.
Topics: Assessment, Instructional strategy & resources, Literacy, Math, Professional learning
Products: MAP Growth, Professional Learning

Assessment empowerment 101: What it is, why it matters, and how to do it
We assess our students every day. But do we always know why? In this e-book, Erin Beard, content design coordinator on NWEAās professional learning team, tells you everything you need to know about assessment empowerment, from what it is to exactly how to bring it to life in your classroom.
Topics: Professional learning
Products: Professional Learning

Special briefing on new 2022-23 data
New data shows progress toward academic recovery stalled in 2022-23. In this special briefing, Dr. Karyn Lewis provides more context and details to this new report on the state of academic gains and achievement levels.
Topics: Education research

Classroom ready: Simple, impactful ways to engage your teachers
Like the students they serve, every educator enters the classroom in varying states of readiness. Education leaders must ensure each teacher has the tools, professional learning, and guidance they need to be successful. This detailed guide examines how the components of an NWEA Solution can provide the support teachers demand and deserve.
Topics: Instructional strategy & resources, Assessment, Early learning, Leadership, Literacy, Math, Professional learning
Products: MAP Growth, Professional Learning