School leaders see lasting change with
professional learning, collaboration, and trustworthy data
About: The Elgin Children’s Foundation works to break the cycle of poverty in parts of Kentucky, Northeast Tennessee, and Southwest Virginia—regions recovering from the loss of mining jobs—by promoting academic growth, dental care, and more.
Challenge: Given the geography and low population density of Southern Appalachia, school leaders have few opportunities to connect with professional peers to share best practices or strategies—connections crucial for improving academic outcomes.
View case studyTopics: Leadership
Products: MAP Growth
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Products: MAP Reading Fluency
Today, Jacob is joined by an Alaskan and a Texan: Moon McCarley, Principal at Nondalton School and District Testing Coordinator for The Lake and Peninsula School District, located on the Alaska Peninsula; and Ashley Cruz, State Professional Learning Consultant at NWEA. They discuss how NWEA partners with districts across Alaska to create high-impact professional learning opportunities to expand assessment literacy. Along the way, Moon shares her experience as a Certified Facilitator and talks about how it helped her grow as a leader.
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Products: Professional Learning
The Continuing Educator | Resilient Teachers, now and for the future. With Robyn & Sarah Sturgeon.
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Products: Professional Learning
NWEA research snapshot: Insights on recovery strategies
NWEA researchers explore the challenges and opportunities surrounding academic recovery. Designed for school and system leaders, this session details their latest research insights and explores the effectiveness of strategies like summer intervention programming and high-dose tutoring.
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Fact Sheet
ESSER resources framework: Build a strategic plan grounded in research
Use this strategic planning tool to identify your district’s key areas of need and resources that support learning for students affected by COVID learning interruptions.
Topics: Leadership
Products: MAP Growth, MAP Accelerator, MAP Reading Fluency, Professional Learning
Fact Sheet
2022 norms for MAP Growth course-specific tests in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry
A 4-page document outlining the user norms for MAP Growth tests in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. Includes details on how the user norms were developed, how user norms differ from national representative norms, and what years of data were used to craft them. Detailed charts are included that cover fall to winter, Fall to spring, and winter to spring norms.
Topics: Education research, Insights and reports, Leadership, Math
Products: MAP Growth
Gear up for MAP Suite implementation
We’re excited to partner with you to help all your students learn. Whether you’re bringing on MAP Growth, MAP Skills, MAP Accelerator, or MAP Reading Fluency, count on us for a successful implementation.
Topics: Leadership
Products: MAP Growth, MAP Suite