4 ways to help teachers trust data—and you
Data can be a powerful tool for supporting student learning, but it can also create tension for teachers who feel pressured to meet data-driven goals. In some cases, teachers end up feeling undervalued or threatened, concerned that their administrators may focus more on data than they do student experiences in the classroom. These teachers are troubled by the same question: will data be used to judge me as a teacher?
The missing ingredient in these scenarios is trust. Building trust between school leaders and teachers can help shift data from burden to support resource. And, more importantly, it can put the focus back where it should be: on students.
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Products: Professional Learning
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Today, Jacob is joined by an Alaskan and a Texan: Moon McCarley, Principal at Nondalton School and District Testing Coordinator for The Lake and Peninsula School District, located on the Alaska Peninsula; and Ashley Cruz, State Professional Learning Consultant at NWEA. They discuss how NWEA partners with districts across Alaska to create high-impact professional learning opportunities to expand assessment literacy. Along the way, Moon shares her experience as a Certified Facilitator and talks about how it helped her grow as a leader.
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