Responsive Learning Cycles Professional Learning Overview
Empower students with a healthy, collaborative culture of learning
This suite supports educators to partner with their students throughout the learning journey to develop and sustain practices that propel academic achievement, well-being, and self-efficacy for all.
Topics: Assessment, Instructional strategy & resources, Professional learning
Products: Professional Learning
MAP Reading Fluency Professional Learning Overview
Turn learning evidence into instructional action
Activate MAPĀ® Reading Fluencyā¢ with professional learning around using your assessment data to gain a more holistic view of early readersā abilities and how to target instruction that is just right for each student and track learning progress.
Topics: Assessment, Early learning, Instructional strategy & resources, Literacy, Professional learning
Products: MAP Reading Fluency, Professional Learning
Responsive Math Practices Professional Learning Overview
Master math practices that maximize achievement and growth
This math suite provides educators with a deep understanding of content and research-based instructional practices, along with ways to apply that understanding to their unique grade-level instructional needs and content standards.
Topics: Instructional strategy & resources, Math, Professional learning
Products: Professional Learning
MAP Accelerator Professional Learning Overview
Turn learning evidence into instructional action
Activate MAPĀ® Acceleratorā¢ by learning how to best implement it in the classroom to simplify differentiation in math and leverage instructional strategies that accelerate outcomes.
Topics: Assessment, Instructional strategy & resources, Math, Professional learning
Products: MAP Accelerator, Professional Learning
MAP Growth Professional Learning Overview
Turn learning evidence into instructional action
Activate MAPĀ® Growthā¢ with professional learning experiences that build basic product-use capacity, hone assessment literacy, improve goal setting and responsive instructional planning, and build deeper data competency.
Topics: Assessment, Instructional strategy & resources, Literacy, Math, Professional learning
Products: MAP Growth, Professional Learning
Responsive Literacy Practices Professional Learning Overview
Level up literacy instruction
Our content-focused professional learning offerings for literacy communicate essential findings from reading science to practical classroom applications. We work alongside educators to empower them with the foundational theory, practical demonstrations, and actionable tools they need to level up their teaching with the science of reading.
Topics: Early learning, Instructional strategy & resources, Literacy, Professional learning
Products: Professional Learning
Equity Empowered Learning Professional Learning Overview
Support equitable growth for all students
This suite focuses on equity as it relates to access to content for students and teachers and high-quality instruction. It makes equitable teaching practices tangible and highly actionable on a daily basis by heightening awareness of the various equity tie-ins to instruction and identifying data practices and instructional moves that allow for greater equity and improved student outcomes.
Topics: Instructional strategy & resources, Professional learning
Products: Professional Learning