Grades K–5: Cultivating comprehension and knowledge
Professional Learning Workshop

Teach students to be metacognitive during reading
Learn to use explicit strategies
Lesson components, including read-alouds, are used in the “Cultivating comprehension and knowledge” workshop to guide educators in using explicit strategies to improve student comprehension through speaking and writing. Participants will see how to build knowledge throughout the content areas and will learn about the purpose and place for comprehension strategy instruction in complex text, with both literary and informational text structures.

Explore a key question during each segment of learning
Reading comprehension is not just part of the science of reading—it’s a complex process. See how in the video.

Designed with you in mind
This offering is divided into two 3-hour parts. It is recommended that the parts be completed in order, within a reasonable time frame. Your NWEA representative will help determine the best on-site or virtual delivery option to meet your needs.

On-site learning
Face-to-face session with a consultant

Virtual learning
Live instruction through our online portal